
Family mediators facilitate communication and problem-solving between parties and help couples develop agreements that meet the challenges of separation and divorce in a cooperative manner.
Mediation is not for everyone. It is necessary that both parties be emotionally ready to participate in discussing highly-confidential and sensitive issues in order for the mediation process to be effective.
People differ in where they are emotionally in the separation process and in how much time they need before they are ready to talk about resolutions.
Family mediators are trained to assist couples who are separating or divorcing or parents of children in finding creative options for the resolution of their disputes; options that place the needs of any children at the centre of their agreement.
The Mediator:
• Facilitates communication and problem solving
• Provides a safe and supportive setting to discuss issues
• Ensures discussions are meaningful and respectful
• Assists people to identify needs, create and evaluate solutions, make decisions and word their own agreements
• Encourages parents to assess their current financial situation and determine how they will provide for future needs
• Offers clients information on other community resources
• Acts in a neutral, unbiased and non-judgmental manner
• When mediation is over, the mediator prepares a Summary of the matters agreed upon by the parties and gives a copy to each party.